Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The One That Started It All

So here we go, my very first outfit post, and, for that matter, my very first real post. It's somewhere between exciting and nerve racking. During the shoot, I dragged Keaton (my partner) around everywhere until we found a spot I felt comfortable with. I'll admit, I was being a little ridiculous. I wanted there to be absolutely no one else around. Hopefully I'll start feeling more comfortable soon.

I thought that I would spend a lot of time trying to figure out what to wear for this first post, but surprisingly that wasn't the case. It was actually an outfit Keaton helped me pick out, and one I feel more than comfortable in. It's typical me.

I can't decide what my favorite part of this outfit it...the skirt is rather adorable and taps into my owl obsession which is quite prominent in my life. So far I've posted two things on this blog and both have featured owls. I don't know why or when they became such a defining factor in my life, but so it goes.

I'll be posting again soon, I promise. I'm going to try and post as frequently as possible.

Photos by Keaton
Top, bag, booties: Thrifted
Tights: Target
Skirt: Modcloth
Hat and belt: F21
Cardigan: Lands' End (gift)


  1. I love your first outfit post, Meg!! Congratulations on taking the first step! I remember how nerve racking it can be, but it just keeps getting easier and easier.

    Oh, how I adore your skirt. The print is just too awesome.

    Thank you for always being such a great support on my blog!

    Lulu Letty

  2. I just came across your blog, and what a fantastic start you've made! I love this outfit, your skirt is gorgeous! I know exactly what you mean about not wanting to be around other people when taking your shots, I'm the same - you do get more used to it though! :) xo
